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On Full Boil
The six-year-old Audi MedCup has broken new ground by creating a sustainable, sponsor-driven big-boat series that features the best sailors and teams on the planet.
By Tim Zimmerman
Stress Test
Olympic sailing has changed dramatically in the last 25 years, and so has the U.S. Sailing Team AlphaGraphics. It’s flush with cash, structure, and support, which only raises the teams’s medal expectations.
By Stuart Streuli
A Lake Apart
A rare appearance on Lake Erie, and the hospitality of the Buffalo YC, put a charge into the Lake Yacht Racing Association’s annual regatta.
By Michael Lovett, photos by Tim Wilkes
Tech Review
New Boats 2011**
Boatbuilders continue to strive for the ultimate balance between performance, value, and comfort. Here’s a look at what will be generating buzz this fall.
Gear Reviews
The right sailing gear can keep you dry, warm, or from being sunburned. It can also make you a stronger sailor.
From the Experts
Tacking around the leeward mark is a great way to shake a cover or make a break for the favored side. Tom Burnham explains how to do it right.
Sometimes, says Dr. Stuart Walker, especially when the first leg is short and the wind is shifty, the favored end isn’t the best place to start.
Two boats running downwind, on opposite jibes and passing an obstruction provide a work out for rules expert Dick Rose and the Racing Rules of Sailing.
Editor’s Letter
Sailor’s Forum
Starting Line
Jobson Report
For the Record
Gaining Bearing
Ask Dr. Crash