
Gary’s Holiday Gift List

This wish list includes peace for the America's Cup. From Gary Jobson's blog for December 6, 2007


I interrupt this regular blog for a special holiday gift list. People enjoy presents when they receive something that is unexpected, shows some clever thinking, and is something that they’ll actually use. With this philosophy in mind, here are some ideas for what to give the sailor in your life:

1. Embroider a sailor’s boat’s name on a vest
2. Printed stationary with a burgee or boat name on it.
3. Show a family video of sailing activities during the year.
4. Tickets to a maritime museum
5. A copy of the new Eldridge book
6. A chart of your home waters, suitable for framing
7. A divider and parallel rules set
8. For a big splurge, a VHF radio or GPS unit
9. A brass clock and/or barometer
10. A sailing book signed by the author (hint)
11. A framed photograph of an owner’s boat
12. Historic photograph of your sailing area
13. Gift certificate for boat detailing
14. Make up hats with your boat name to give to the crew
15. A gift subscription to Sailing World
16. A cruising guide to an upcoming destination
17. Sunglass holders
18. A matching set of sail ties
19. A drawing or print of your yacht club
20. Embroidered name of boat on shirts

America’s Cup Ruling
Judge Cahn acted swiftly on the Alinghi – Oracle case, ruling in favor of BMW Oracle and making it the Challenger of Record. Hopefully Ernesto Bertarelli now realizes that he pushed way too hard to tilt Cup protocol to his advantage. Last week, 46 representatives around the world met in Annapolis to discuss peace in the Middle East; it would be nice if the America’s Cup players could follow their lead.


Leukemia Society Fantasy Sail Weekend
Last weekend 140 sailors attended the Leukemia Cup Fantasy Sail in San Diego, Calif. In addition to racing in the J/105 fleet, Dennis Conner spoke to the group. I’ve been proud to be the national chairman of this project, which started in 1993. In 2007, 47 events raised $3.5 million for cancer research.
