Sailing World Expeditions

Paul Campbell-James

Tips For Winging On the Go

Wingfoil travel is taking off as fast as the sport itself and there some good things to know before you go to ensure your trip goes off without a snag.

A woman freestyle kiteboarding through the air.

Wing With Us in the BVI

Wingfoiling through the British Virgin Islands? Oh yes, indeed. Sailing World Expedition’s first immersion is going to soar.

Paul Campbell-James

Tips For Winging On the Go

Wingfoil travel is taking off as fast as the sport itself and there some good things to know before you go to ensure your trip goes off without a snag.

A woman freestyle kiteboarding through the air.

Wing With Us in the BVI

Wingfoiling through the British Virgin Islands? Oh yes, indeed. Sailing World Expedition’s first immersion is going to soar.