Please note that this year the Party Ticket and food service will be very different than it has been in the past. Since the yacht clubs do such a good job feeding sailors all year, why stop them? During the NOOD at Marblehead Race Week this year, Eastern Yacht Club will be handling food sales and service themselves and the NOODs will not be involved in the dinners or food service. The NOOD meal ticket, with the three hole punch is a thing of the past.
However, as you know we are pretty good at pouring Mount Gay and cold beer, so we will still be in charge of the NOOD Party Bars. On the online entry forms as well as at registration, you will have the opportunity to purchase Party Ticket Packages, which consist of five NOOD Drink Tickets, each ticket good for one Mount Gay beverage or cold beer at the NOOD social event bars. Ticket Packages will only be $15. In short, $15 for five tickets = five drinks. These tickets will be honored at the NOOD parties on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the NOOD bars at EYC.
Please reserve your meal online ahead of time here:
Pre-Order Meals
See below for EYC menu:
Friday, July 24th
$15/person inclusive
Burger and breast of chicken
Lettuce and tomato
Ketchup, mustard and relish
Old fashioned potato salad
BBQ Baked Beans
Homemade brownies
Saturday, July 25th
$15/person inclusive
Burger and bratwurst
Lettuce, tomato and chopped onions
Ketchup, mustard and relish
Old fashioned potato salad
BBQ Baked Beans
Homemade brownies
Sunday, July 26th
$5/person inclusive
All beef hot dogs steamed in beer
Ketchup, mustard and relish
Potato chips
All Weekend Party Ticket Package
(Drinks Only)
$15 for 5 tickets
1 ticket = 1 drink
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