**CLASS ** | **COORDINATOR ** | **PHONE ** |
**Beneteau 36.7 ** | **Joe Hyla ** | **312-402-2259 ** |
Beneteau 40.7 _North American Championship _ | **Ron Buzil ** | **312-719-0334 ** |
**C&C 115 ** | www.sailingworld.com** ** | ** ** |
**Corsair ** | **Trey Ritter ** | **847-987-1532 ** |
**Etchells ** | **Ted Jones ** | **773-327-4464 ** |
Farr 40 Class Championship | **Kim Kluender ** | **847-217-4343 ** |
Great Lakes 70 Class Season Championship | **Sam Nedeau ** | **847-864-8506 ** |
**J/30 Western Great Lakes Championship ** | **Dennis Bartley ** | **708-646-3487 ** |
**J/35 ** | **Larry Taunt ** | **616-224-2204 x113 ** |
**J/105 ** | **Martin McKenna ** | **847-259-9289 ** |
**J/109 ** | **Len Siegal ** | **773-255-1491 ** |
**Melges 24 ** | **Andy Burdick ** | **262-275-1110 ** |
**Melges 32 ** | **Andy Burdick ** | **262-275-1110 ** |
**Mumm 36/Nelson Marek 36 ** | **Bill Fanizzo ** | **312-540-9670 ** |
**S2 7.9 ** | **Don & Jean Bergman ** | **616-335-9233 ** |
**S2 9.1 ** | **Carl Peterson ** | **231-578-2323 ** |
**Shields ** | **Michael Schwartz ** | **312-861-7777 ** |
**Tartan 10 ** | **Andrea Kraninski ** | **312-388-0718 ** |
**Maximum of Four PHRF Classes to be Decided ** | ** ****www.sailingworld.com** | ** ** |