We’re looking forward to having you and your crew join us at the San Diego NOOD this year. The dates are March 18-20, 2011 and once again our regatta headquarters will be located at the San Diego Yacht Club. The San Diego NOOD is also co-hosted by Mission Bay Yacht Club and Coronado Yacht Club, with a portion of our NOOD fleets sailing out of these two great clubs as well. The NOOD staff is busy getting ready for you at our second stop of the Sperry Top-Sider NOOD season. Welcome to all of you! We’re anticipating some great Southern California sailing and fun parties ashore this year.
Classes invited to join us at the 2011 Sperry Top-Sider San Diego NOOD Regatta include:
Mission Bay Location:
Capri 22
Corsair Sprint 750
Roads Location:**
Beneteau 36.7
South Bay Location:
Flying Tiger
I-14- West Coast Championship
Open 5.7
Ultimate 20
Mission Bay Location:**
Buccaneer 18- Midwinter Championship
Capri 22
Corsair Sprint 750
A Cat
Santana 20
Weta 4.4
Roads Location:
Beneteau 36.7
Beneteau 40.7
Catalina 36- Southern California Championship
South Bay Location:
Flying Tiger
I-14- West Coast Championship
Open 5.7
Ultimate 20
Viper 640
If your class isn’t listed and you can get together 6 or more boats to create a one design fleet, please contact valerie.mey@bonniercorp.com
A minimum of six boats is required for a class to remain eligible. Due to the number of classes anticipated at this event, entrants should be aware that there is a possibility that certain classes may be started together but still scored separately. A $50 late fee (in addition to the entry fee) will start on February 28, 2011 at 5 p.m. EST. This is an additional fee if you register or pay on or after this date past 5 p.m. EST. Please note this deadline when sending mailed or faxed entries. To receive a refund or to cancel your entry, call 401-845-4112 by March 14, 2011.
You and your crew are required to sign a waiver form in order to race in this event. Please bring the signed waiver form to registration. Without a signed waiver form you will not be officially entered into the event. Do not fax this to us or turn it in with the SDYC Sailing Office, it will not be accepted. Sailing Instructions will be available at Registration.
Each boat owner or his/her representative must report to Registration at SDYC or MBYC to complete registration details. For all classes sailing out of San Diego Yacht Club and Coronado Yacht Club, Registration will be held at San Diego Yacht Club between 1700 and 1930 Thursday March 17, 2011 or between 0900 and 1000 Friday March 18, 2011. For all classes sailing out of Mission Bay Yacht Club Registration will be held between 0930 and 1100 on Friday March 18, 2011 at Mission Bay Yacht Club.
For classes competing 3 days, the Skipper’s Meeting will be held in the main tent Friday, March 18, 2011 at 1000 at the San Diego Yacht Club and at 1100 at Mission Bay Yacht Club. For classes only competing 2 days, and sailing out of San Diego Yacht Club and Coronado Yacht Club further registration will be held between 0800 and 0900 Saturday, March 19 at SDYC and for all classes sailing out of MBYC registration will be held at MBYC between 0830 and 0930 on Saturday March 19 at Mission Bay Yacht Club.
A Skipper’s Meeting, for those classes competing 2 days only, will be held in the main tent Saturday March 19 at 0900 at the San Diego Yacht Club and at 0930 at Mission Bay Yacht Club. Each boat owner or his/her representative must report to SDYC or MBYC to complete registration details. Crew lists and waivers of liability must be submitted by close of registration. No boat will be registered as an entrant without a completed waiver form. In the event of a crew member substitution during the regatta, the new crew member must submit a signed waiver of liability to Sailing World prior to racing for that boat’s entry to remain valid. Sailing instructions will be available at registration. Amendments to the Sailing Instructions will be posted at San Diego Yacht Club and Mission Bay Yacht Club, by 0930 PST daily. It is the responsibility of each competitor to check the Official Notice Board for any amendments or other notices.
PFDs are required to be worn by individuals racing aboard boats that do not have fixed keels. The wearing of PFDs by individuals sailing aboard all other boats is encouraged.
Don’t be left out this year! Come and join us after racing for food and plenty of Mount Gay Rum and beer at the NOOD parties on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. San Diego Yacht Club will be hosting all the NOOD parties again. Friday night will include beverages and light fare, Saturday’s menu will feature a full meal with some great music and enjoy SDYC’s great Chili and Hot Dogs with all the fixings during Sunday’s awards ceremony. Pre-Party tickets are available now online at $47 each for you and your crew.On site the party tickets will be $50 each, so buy now and save. NOOD merchandise will be sold during the parties so don’t forget to stop by to get your exclusive 2011 NOOD gear for yourself, your crew and family.
SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB INFORMATION: Box lunches will be available at the club. An order form is enclosed and will also be available at registration. The lunches can be picked up after 8:00 a.m. on the Spinnaker deck. Same day orders must be received by 8:30 a.m.
Each day of the regatta, San Diego Yacht Club will be serving a no host regatta breakfast Buffet for $7.50 inclusive, available in the dining room. This breakfast will include fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, breakfast potatoes, muffins, pastries, and juice.
Parking for cars is very limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis. When both lots are full, street parking is available in the vicinity of the club. Each skipper will be issued a temporary, guest-parking pass; however, this does not guarantee a spot.
Hoist only launching is available at the San Diego Yacht Club however there is trailer launching at the nearby Shelter Island Launch Ramp. San Diego Yacht Club has four cranes for launching (two with load limits of 6,400 lbs, one with 4,500 lbs, and one with 2,500 lbs.) Contact Dock Master, Robbie Dean, at 619-758-6336 for more information.
Boats shall be berthed, free of charge, for the regatta, at the San Diego Yacht Club March 19-21. Additional complimentary berthing is available 3 days before the event and three days after the event. All boats should contact the San Diego Yacht Club for a slip assignment at 619-758-6308. RSVP by March 13. Boats based at facilities other than SDYC should contact those facilities directly for permission.
**The San Diego Yacht Club offers a variety of beverage and food services. **
Their hours of operation are as follows:
Breakfast: Mon. – Fri. 7:00 – 10:30 a.m.; Sat & Sun 7:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Brunch: Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Lunch: Mon. – Sun. 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Light menu in Bar: Mon. – Sun. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Bar menu: Mon. – Sat. 11:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Sun. 11:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Dinner Menu: Mon. – Sat. 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Sun. 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Visit MBYC.org for information regarding Mission Bay Yacht Club. Hoist and short term boat storage will be available by contacting our office 858-488-0501. The Bar will be open after sailing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Breakfast is available on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Box lunches are available if reserved prior to racing, please contact MBYC.
Please take the time to mark your calendars for the San Diego NOOD Regatta dates March 18-20, and join us at the San Diego Club for the first stop of the 2011 Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta season.
Please go online at www.sailingworld.com/nood to find information including:**
Notice of Race
Online Entry
Official Accommodations
Class Coordinator Contact Information
List of Entries
Schedule of Events
If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or call us. Also, don’t hesitate to forward this message onto other members of your fleet that have failed to receive this message. Thank you taking the time to read this over and we look forward to seeing you in St. Petersburg for the NOOD.