2007 Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta
ChicagoYacht Club – June 15-17, 2007
Sailing World is the Organizing Authority for this regatta and Chicago Yacht Club is the Host Club and will provide race management. This is a US SAILING sanctioned event.
1. Rules
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2005-2008(RRS). Classes permitting Advertising (see ISAF Regulation 20) are urged to refrain from displaying advertisements for businesses or products competing with those of the primary and support sponsors of the event. 1.2 The rules of the National Tartan Ten Class Association will be in effect for the Tartan Ten Class.
1.3 For the Farr 40, Melges 24 and Melges 32 Classes only: RRS 44.1 and 44.2 are changed so that, except for infringements of Part 2 that occur within two boat lengths of a rounding mark or finishing mark, only one turn, including one tack and one gybe, is required.
2. Personal Flotation
Personal flotation shall be worn as required by class rules. For all other classes RRS 40 (the “Y” Flag Rule) may apply at the discretion on the Race Committee.
3. Eligibility
3.1 The regatta is open to any boat with a minimum LOA of 24 feet and has sleeping accommodations below decks and is either: a) an active member of a recognized class association for entry in this regatta’s One-Design classes, or; b) a boat which meets the criteria established for this regatta by the class coordinator or the Organizing Authority, for entry in a class; and provided that such class is among the first 26 to have eight entries, and further provided that an overall limit of 310 entries is not exceeded. Level classes that combine to meet minimum entry requirements shall be required to accept all entries that have been accepted for those classes. Boats entered in the event that have a valid Lake Michigan PHRF (LMPHRF) Rating, and are not entered in a One-Design or Level class, shall be assigned to one of a maximum of four PHRF Handicapped Classes. The composition of PHRF handicapped classes shall be at the discretion of the Organizing Authority, with the assistance of members of the CYC Offshore Racing Committee. Entries with PHRF ratings in excess of 138 shall not be accepted for entry into PHRF rated classes by the Organizing Authority. All decisions made by the Organizing Authority regarding PHRF class assignments and entries shall be final. Information regarding obtaining a LMPHRF rating certificate is available on the Lake Michigan PHRF website at www.lmphrf.org. The Organizing Authority reserves the right to accept entries that do not satisfy these requirements.
3.2 The NOOD Regattas are open to those boats whose Owner and/ or Skipper is a current member of their National Governing Body (US SAILING for USA members; to join or renew a membership please call 1-800-877-2451)
3.3 Easily removable bow stickers shall be attached to the forward 25% of both sides of the boat’s hull at all times while racing. The stickers are to be carried with the top approximately 6″-10″ below deck level and with the leading edge approximately 10″-20″ aft of the bow. Bow stickers will be provided in the Skipper’s package.
4. Entries
Classes shall meet eligibility requirements no later than May 23. Entries received after May 18 will be subject to a $50 late fee. Your registration must be PAID by May 18 to avoid the $50 late fee. Completed entry forms, with the entry fee, shall be mailed to Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta, 55 Hammarlund Way, Middletown, RI 02842 and must be accepted by the Organizing Authority. Late entries may be accepted solely at the discretion of Sailing World and the Chicago Yacht Club.
Boat Size Entry Fee*
24′ $183.00
25′ – 30′ 222.00
31′ – 39′ 249.00
40′ and over 272.00
*** Fee includes one social ticket
Social tickets – Advance purchase $42.00 with your entry form (entry fee include one social ticket)
Social tickets include dinner/beverages for Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Tickets will be $44.00 at registration and at the door.
5. Registration
Each boat owner or his representative must report to Chicago Yacht Club, foot of Monroe Street, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Thursday, June 14, to complete registration details. The skippers’ meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Crew lists and waivers of liability must be submitted at registration. No boat will be registered without a completed waiver form. In the event of a crew member substitution during the regatta, the new crew member must submit a signed waiver of liability to the Race Committee prior to racing for that boat’s entry to remain valid. Sailing instructions will be available at Registration. Amendments to the Sailing Instructions will be posted at Chicago Yacht Club, foot of Monroe Street, by 8:00 a.m. daily, and it is the responsibility of each competitor to check the Official Notice Board for any amendments or other notices.
6. Courses
Courses will be sailed on Lake Michigan in the area off Monroe Street and Belmont Harbors.
7. Schedule of Races
It is the intent of the Organizing Authority and the Race Committee to run as many races as practical on Friday, June 15 through Sunday, June 17 up to a maximum of 10 races for the series. No warning signal will be made after 1400 hrs on Sunday, June 17. The harbor start is scheduled for 0830hrs on each day of racing. In order to provide better racing, different classes may start together yet still be scored separately.
8. Measurement/Weigh-in
Measurement is not required by the Organizing Authority or the Chicago Yacht Club, but each boat shall submit proof of holding a valid measurement certificate at registration if required by the class.
Neither the Organizing Authority nor the Chicago Yacht Club shall be responsible for conducting or administrating weigh-ins should they be required by individual class rules. Local or national class associations shall be responsible for conducting weigh-ins if needed
9. Scoring
9.1 Each boat’s total score will be the sum of her scores for all races. One race will constitute a series. This alters RRS A2.
9.2 Classes listed as PHRF on this Notice of Race shall be scored using their appropriate handicap scoring systems. Boats holding valid IRC certificates should take note of the COMPETITOR ADVISORY dated March 28, 2007 regarding the scoring of IRC rated boats concurrent with PHRF scoring. All other classes shall be scored without handicap.
10. Courtesy Broadcasts
The Race Committee may provide general information to competitors on a designated courtesy channel. Information so provided will not be subject to action under RRS 62.
11. Arbitration
For Protests involving an infringement of Part 2 of the RRS, an Arbitration hearing may be held prior to the protest hearing.
12. Prizes
12.1 Individual race and series prizes will be awarded by class.
12.2 An award will be made to the boat which, in the opinion of the Organizing Authority, had the best overall performance during the 2007 Chicago Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta.
13. Photographers and TV Rights
Competitors give absolute right and permission for any photographs or video footage taken of themselves or their competing boat to be published in any media whatsoever; for either editorial or advertising purposes, or to be used in press information.