
Hosted by Boston Yacht Club
July 24-27, 2025

Regatta Series Sponsors


Marblehead Race Week Cressy Trophy

Etchell Class Curtiss Trophy

Rhodes 19 Spitoon Cup

Town Class New England Championship

Additional invited Classes noted in the Notice of Race

Social Pass

The Regatta Social Pass fee is inclusive of appetizers on Friday, BYC Dinner Buffet on Saturday, soft drinks and sponsored beverages. Social passes may be purchased in advance on the race website and include bar, catering, staff costs, taxes and gratuity. Children of competitors under 18 may receive a complimentary pass. Discounted crew packs are available for advance purchase.

Mount Gay Rum
Cocktail Contest

Whip up a thirst-quenching cocktail for MGR judges – mixers, rum and ice provided. Sign up to be selected.

Quantum Sails
Weather Briefing

Start your race day with a professional weather briefing and local knowledge tips.


Regatta News: Marblehead

Special Thanks To Our Sponsors