Class: Sonar
Position: Crew
US Disabled Sailing Team AlphaGraphics: 2001-2004, 2006-2008
Member of: Dolphin YC
Education: Marblehead High School, University of Wisconsin, Madison (graduated 2003)
Birthdate: June 13, 1978
Birthplace: Marblehead, Mass.
Hometown: Marblehead, Mass.
Occupation: Web and creative services
Significant sailing achievements: Ranked No. 1 on the US Disabled Sailing Team (2006-2008), U.S. Olympic Committee Paralympians of the Year/Sailing (2007)
Biography: Like every athlete competing at an elite level, Tim Angle’s life is jam-packed. For seven years he has campaigned a triplehanded Sonar with skipper Rick Doerr in the hopes of making the U.S. team for the Paralympic Games. A a manager at iRobot-a company that sells robots designed for everything from household to military use-his time at regattas is mixed with heavy doses of daily computer time, to keep things running smoothly at work.
Angle’s heritage is closely knit to the sport, and his family tree includes several generations of sailors. Junior racing lead to sailing at Marblehead High School. But as a college freshman, Angle lost his arm to bacterial meningitis and took time off from school.
When he returned he gravitated to the sailing team, rigging a dinghy so he could steer the boat with his feet-but Angle admits it wasn’t a fast way to sail.
Success in sailing, he believes, is tied to patience. Coaches Peter Wilson and Betsy Alison have ingrained that value into the minds of this team, teaching them to gamble intelligently on the racecourse-to not take long-shot chances but to be patient and take calculated risks that can pay off at the finish line.
Recent results:
2008 9th US SAILING’s Rolex Miami OCR/Miami
2007 1st IFDS Disabled Sailing World Championship/Rochester, N.Y., 2nd US SAILING’s Rolex Miami OCR