Sailing World College Rankings, December 6 2016

Coaches vote for the top teams in each conference for our final rankings of the Fall 2016 season.
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Sailing World’s College Rankings, presented by Zim Sailing and Gill, are determined by an open coaches poll. For more information on the poll, or on how your team’s coach can become a part of it, click here. The number of first place votes a team received is in brackets. This is the seventh and final national ranking for the 2016 Fall season, based on results through December 6.

Top Teams Overall

Conference Coed Women
MAISA Georgetown Georgetown
MCSA Northwestern Univ. Wisconsin Madison
NEISA Yale Rhode Island
NWICSA Univ. Washington Univ. Washington
PCCSC Stanford Stanford
SAISA Charleston Charleston
SEISA Texas A&M Galveston Texas A&M Galveston

Coaches were encouraged to vote in all conferences, but not required. Coaches ranked the top ten teams in the larger conferences, and the top five in smaller conferences.



Rank Coed Women
1 Georgetown [9] Georgetown [6]
2 Hobart/Wm. Smith [3] St. Mary’s [7]
3 George Washington Hobart/Wm. Smith [1]
4 Kings Point [3] George Washington [1]
5 Navy Navy
6 St. Mary’s Fordham
7 Old Dominion Pennsylvania
8 Hampton Christopher Newport
9 Fordham Old Dominion
10 Univ. Pennsylvania Virginia


Rank Coed Women
1 Northwestern [8] Univ. Wisconsin Madison [6]
2 Univ. Michigan Univ. Minnesota
3 Univ. Minnesota Notre Dame
4 Univ. Wisconsin Madison [2] Ohio State
5 Michigan State Toledo
6 Toledo Univ. Iowa
7 Marquette Hope College [1]
8 Hope College Michigan State
9 Grand Valley Northwestern
10 Michigan Tech Univ. Wisconsin Milwaukee


Rank Coed Women
1 Yale [11] Rhode Island [8]
2 MIT Coast Guard [3]
3 Boston College Boston College
4 Tufts Boston University
5 Dartmouth Yale
6 Bowdoin Harvard
7 Coast Guard Brown
8 Harvard Conn. College
9 Roger Williams Dartmouth
10 Boston University MIT


Rank Coed Women
1 Univ. Washington [8] Univ. Washington [5]
2 Oregon State Western Washington [1]
3 Western Washington Oregon State
4 Univ. British Columbia Lewis and Clark
5 Lewis and Clark Univ. British Columbia


Rank Coed Women
1 Stanford [9] Stanford [9]
2 UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara
3 USC Long Beach USC Long Beach
4 Hawaii Cal Poly S.L.O.
5 Santa Barbara City Hawaii


Rank Coed Women
1 Charleston [11] Charleston [11]
2 South Florida South Florida
3 Jacksonville Jacksonville
4 Eckerd Eckerd
5 Univ. Florida Clemson


Rank Coed Women
1 Texas A&M Galveston [5] Texas A&M Galveston [4]
2 Tulane Texas A&M [1]
3 Texas A&M [1] Tulane
4 Texas A&M Corpus Christi Univ. Texas
5 Rice Central Oklahoma

18 coaches participated in this poll: Stanford, Wisconsin, Georgetown, Coast Guard, Charleston, St. Mary’s, Brown, South Florida, Pennsylvania, Hobart/Wm. Smith, Bowdoin, Eckerd, Hampton, Christopher Newport, Cornell, Kings Point, Navy, UC Santa Barbara.

Click here for the previous rankings