As if losing every race so far isn’t demoralizing enough, a series of setbacks have made China Team’s uphill climb in the Louis Vuitton Cup even steeper.During the pre-start to the team’s match against Desafio Espanol on Wednesdeay, genoa trimmer Mikael Mergui sustained a sidelining injury. “I caught my wrist in the sheet while releasing it,” said Mergui, “I tried to undo it, but in pulling to get loose, I caught my finger in a knot and it broke. We had to reorganize onboard right in the middle of the tacking duel. Piotr Prybylski, the other genoa and spinnaker sail trimmer did the sheeting and I continued to release the sheet. It is a little break but it will mean at least two weeks of immobilization.”In the second race on Wednesday, CHN-95 had to abandon the race following a problem around the mast collar area, and on Thursday a problem with the keel box sent the team to shore for major repairs. For more about China Team, click here.