
BMW Oracle Appeals Cup Ruling

The Golden Gate YC has appealed the recent decision [1] by the Appeals Courts of the New York State Supreme Court to reinstate Club Náutico Español de Vela as the challenger of the record.[1]


Courtesy Bmw Oracle Racing

The Golden Gate Yacht Club (GGYC) said today it has lodged an appeal against this week’s decision of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court.

“We believe the Challenger of Record has to be a real yacht club. It cannot be something that is manufactured with a defender to set up a one-sided event. This decision would set an absurd precedent,” said Tom Ehman, the club’s spokesman.

“We believe we have an excellent case for winning on appeal.”


Because it was a split decision among five judges the club has an automatic right of appeal. Ehman said the club looked forward to obtaining a result that will end any further legal dispute.
