

The Dutch Yngling team of Annemieke Bes, skipper Mandy Mulder, and Merel Witteven. Amazingly enough this trio never sailed in a regatta as a team before the Olympics. They were selected from a group of nine sailors that trained together for three ye


American silver medalist Zach Railey inscribes his name into a block of clay to be left as a permanent record in Qingdao.


Finn class medalists: Zach Railey of the United States, Ben Ainslie of Great Britain, and Guillaume Florent of France.

Finally, a medal race to enjoy. Steady breeze, sunshine, and a course positioned within sight of shore. The Men’s 470’s race was a thriller to boot with the silver and bronze medals changing positions often.

More from the Men’s 470 medal race. Though they didn’t even need to finish Nathan Wilmot and Malcolm Page of Australia won the race going away, their last one in the 470.

British three-time gold medalist Ben Ainslie (left) and coach Jez Fanstone (right) graciously pose for a photograph with a venue worker. Ainslie is a legitimate superstar in Qingdao.

The Men’s 470 medal ceremony as seen from the second floor of the media center.

Anna Tunnicliffe (with USST press officer Derby Anderson) moments after reaching land having clinched at least a bronze medal in the Laser Radial.