Buffs have made the jump from a fisherman’s ally to the sailor’s tactical garment. Providing excellent UV protection, a buff keeps the sun and water from ending your day with a nasty burn. With numerous ways to wear them, there are few situations on the water where you won’t want to have your buff with you. After a long day of racing in the sun, you’ll be thankful when you’re burn free and the rest of your crew is sporting sunglasses tans that would make a raccoon jealous.
Plus, there are a near infinite number of designs to choose from. With many companies putting their own spin on the classic buff, you can find a pattern for any situation. Going for intimidation? Try a shark mouth or a skull. All about style? Try a leopard print. Representing your country at the Olympics? Go for a flag from your country of choice. Anything you can imagine, chances are there’s a buff with that pattern.
A number of companies make the buff, but the original can be found on the Buff USA website for $20-30.