For those days on the water where you would go barefoot but for the scrapes and stubbed toes that inevitably result, Sperry Top-Sider presents the Figawi2. These sailing shoes are lightweight, comfortable, and quick-drying. They perform like all-stars, no matter who’s wearing them.I’ve been wearing a pair for the past few months crewing on J/24s, Shields, J/22s, an X-41, and last weekend, on a rubber raft on the Arkansas River in Colorado. First thing I noticed when donning the Figawi2s was how athletic and airy they felt–like a pair of running shoes. The mesh uppers and “Active Drainage System”– a series of small, screen-covered drainholes dotting the perimeter of the sole– keep airflow moving around the foot, allow for instant drainage, and facilitate quick drying. These shoes don’t keep your feet dry; they dry quickly once they’re wet. All materials in the shoe promote low water absorption, from the waterproof leather upper to the removable, contoured EVA footbed. When a wave douses your feet, the shoes immediately set to drying. Wear a pair of Figawi2s without socks, and you’ll never squish around in soggy shoes again. Even better, thanks to the AEGIS odor control microbe shield, you’ll never disgust your shipmates with a case of midweek swamp-foot.In terms of performance, the shoes’ Quadra-Grip Wave-Siping soles provide dependable traction on wet and dry surfaces. The Hydro-Grip rubber outsoles function like the sidewalls of a motorcycle tire– they retain a seamless grip when the shoes are rolled to the side. Despite their lightweight construction, the shoes are rigid enough to protect against onboard stubbing hazards like cleats and stanchions. When I sail with my Figawi2s on my feet, I feel comfortable, secure, and sure-foooted, ready to screw up any task assigned. $89.95, www.sperrytopsider.com